Naturly Coffee Brand Logo and Packaging Design
Naturly® Logo and Packaging Design
A brand-new coffee brand called Naturly is attempting to get into the market as soon as possible. To make their goods appear more exciting to their clients, they have a fantastic concept. They are attempting to position themselves as a brand of natural coffee. The use of a brand identity is the only viable option. That's why they've contacted me.
I began designing the brand with its target in mind. By depicting him as a tree with green leaves, the icon simply conveys their natural vibe. The brand's colour palette of green also does this. Then the greyish brown colour represents it has a connection with coffee. They wanted to portray them as being minimal as well. The outcome I arrived at is shown here. This makes up a very small portion of the brand's overall identity.
Hit me up soon to design your brand in the same way I designed others!
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