Mr. Joker Streaming

Client  : Pasan Jayaranga ( Mr.Joker Streaming )

Project  : Mascot Logo design 

Client's specifications  : - Logo should contain the Joker as the character

                                   - Should be a unique design and it should be fierce looking

Softwares used : Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

My idea : Client had a clear idea of how he wanted his logo to look after it is made. He wanted the comical Joker with arms spread out as if the Joker is touching the logo name with his hands. I entirely shaded one part of the Joker's face and added a red glowing eye to give the character a more spicy look than the ordinary Joker. I finally added a shield in the background to give the logo a      more complete look.

My social media details:

    Facebook - VorteX Creations

    Instagram - vortex_creations123

    Linkedin - Himal Perera

    Tik tok - vortex_designs

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