Theming & Capsule Design Systems

Harvest Monster is a desktop app my partner and I built to improve an existing application companion to the game "Path of Exile." I took this as an opportunity to explore a capsule-esque design system and experiment with customizable theming.

Historical context

One convention in the game allows players to sell "crafts." The in-game system for this is less than ideal so players adopted a tool called "Harvest Vendor" to help them format their posts in another app: Discord. The legacy app works but has a few flaws; both in features and implementation.

In with the new

The biggest opportunities we identified included improvements to the legibility, information architecture, and functionality. The old app wasn't really an app at all, it functions as a script that runs on a user's computer. So we started there: with automatic updates, quality of life features, and responsiveness.

All of the functionality that existed in the screenshot above exists in our app below...and more!

Theming + capsule design system

By implementing a simple design system, we were able not only to develop this tool in a short amount of time, but also offer some neat customization options to our users. Because the design inherently only uses 4 colors, we are able to offer the control of that system to our users.

Check it out for real:

Check out the app at

Charlotte de Wolfe
Welcome to the design equivalent of the monster mash
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