05/28/2022 - Skull study

Someone on Flickr posted a really cool shot of a skull they have on their shelf, along with its neat backstory. She's named Lucy.

I wanted to challenge myself a bit differently in terms of rendering technique, and by using colors sampled from the original image, rather than a palette. I also layered colors underneath each other, to obtain a different texture than I typically would.

The illustration is executed using Procreate on a 12.9" iPad Pro, an Apple Pencil 2nd generation, and True Grit Texture Supply's Chromagraph Pencils brushes. The line work relies on Deutsche Kolorist Fine Grain, and the color areas Deutsche Kolorist Toothy. One exception: the bolder, underlying dark purple below the main purple background used The Carpenter brush.

Simon Hartmann
Designer, photographer, blogger. 🇫🇷 living in 🇺🇸. He/him

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