Scoop Your Poop!

On my run yesterday I passed a sign in the park which said "Pick Up After Your Dog" or something like that with a photo of a doberman and then half of a person's leg walking out of the frame. The sign just didn't seem right. I understood what it was asking, but I felt like they were really beating around the bush. Plus, the imagery on the sign was pretty terrible. It got me thinking about how there isn't a uniform "pick up your dog's poop" sign. I've seen some parks with signs that simply read "Scoop Your Poop!" but that sounds silly and any ones I see that have imagery look super ridiculous. So yesterday I set out to try to create a simple icon which didn't require any text and would effectively get the point across. Not all parks have complimentary poop bags, but for those that do this sign would also serve as an indicator for where you can grab some.

In the attachments you can see my mess of an art board while trying to make this, the actual construction for the icon, a variation in color for the sign, and the initial post it note sketch.

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