Gorilla Pixel #2 - NFT Opensea satria adhi pradana
Gorilla Pixel product suite. Submissions are made by individual artists or collaborations and approved by the curation board before they go live. These highly innovative releases by renowned artists reflect unique and innovation.
Check Open Sea Gallery OpenSea
satria adhi pradana is a brand of nft art opensea.io/satriaadhipradana. branding managed by the Shadows Shoots team to ensure the legality of our NFT Art ownership. thus making the owner who has purchased nft art satria adhi pradana comfortable with his ownership
Link Official Satria Adhi Pradana
Opensea https://opensea.io/satriaadhipradana
Dribbble https://dribbble.com/SatriaAdhiPradana
Instagram Creator https://instagram.com/satria_adhi_pradana/
Instagram Shadows Shoots Brand Team https://instagram.com/shadowsshoot/
Twitter Creator and Branding https://twitter.com/AdhiSquarePants
Facebook Creator and Branding #NFT https://facebook.com/satriaadhipradanaaa