2016 - Customer Assistant - TrueMoney Indonesia
When the system cannot finish the transaction due to technical issues, the customer assistant must require manual checks ✅.
There are a variety of failure scenarios, one of which is when the application partner does not receive a response, such as when the user is unable to accept the OTP due to provider issues 📲. Also, when the consumer is having problems with their credentials, customer assistants are required to do data verification 🗂.
Regardless of how advanced the technology is, it still needs a supporting application to stimulate blocked transactions and address unfathomable problems.
This client assistance system has a lot of essential features. I can say that this application is a master back office, so the security and access privileges take priority 🔐.
Niyu Avril - Product Designer
Check my other works at http://niyuavril.com Thank You! 💕