Web App for Efficient Budget Management

A non-profit healthcare consultancy struggled with keeping their projects and spending on track.

Relying on emails and Excel spreadsheets, the organization repeatedly encountered budget overruns and project setbacks, not to mention inconsistent reporting.

ITRex reviewed the client’s budgeting and project management practices and developed a web app with the following features:

✅ A comprehensive suite for setting up and updating projects, assigning them to employees, allocating budgets, monitoring expenses, and generating reports

✅ An admin panel synced with HR and accounting software

✅ An advanced user roles and permissions management mechanism

✅ A single sign-on for toggling between different systems

✅ Email reminders for keeping users up to date

Discover what we did on the front-end side to marry the robust functionality with five-star user experience — and contact ITRex Group if you need help with a similar project!

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