The World-wide Web // RED PILL

Product: Web Prototype

Mentor: Lect. Desmond Pang

Year: 2021


ADM DV3008 - Through the use of a web prototype, I showed that the environment is a fragile system and any changes to the whole system could cause an ecological breakdown or at least damage to it.

I decided to present it as a game where users are tasked to try to balance out the ecology by removing certain entities from it. I chose a game to make it a form of satire as this issue is a very serious one and shouldn’t be taken lightly like a game, however many people don’t put much focus on it and just treat it as an afterthought, hence making it a game to mock how people treat it as a causal game. The name of the piece is called THE WORLD-WIDE WEB because a) it focuses on the ecology web and b) it’s a pun on the internet (www.) since this is presented through a web-link.


So the user is able to remove certain entities from the web, however the catch is that no matter what you remove, as long as you removed something, it will deteriorate the environmental health shown at the bottom and any further efforts to balance out the system will still have negative impact as any damages done are quite permanent, it has a butterfly effect that affects the big picture and that it is very very difficult to repair the damages. Eventually any action done will lead to a complete breakdown and to the game over screen. I wanted to make it an unfair game because we are in a dire situation with our environment and I want people to realise we should stop breaking the ecology web or else we will suffer from it and it will be game over for us in real life as well.

✨ Works are done by me

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Posted on Jun 15, 2022

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