Internal campaign to increase good treatment and service


To generate interest in affiliates to become professional volunteers within their professional chapters. A chapter is called a group of people conformed by the same profession, hobby, or interest.


Uniandinos is constantly grateful for the volunteerism of its affiliates. The affiliate, on the other hand, gives his or her time CON GUSTO (My Pleasure). From this mutual relationship, this concept is born



generar interés en los afiliados para convertirse en voluntarios profesionales dentro de sus capítulos profesionales. Un capítulo se le llama al grupo de personas conformadas por una misma profesión, hobbie o interés.


Uniandinos agradece constantemente el voluntariado que hacen los afiliados. El afiliado por su parte brinda CON GUSTO su tiempo. De esta mutua relación nace este concepto

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