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Since we moved quite a lot in my childhood, I’ve never had a true sense of home. The only home home I know is the distant memory of the tiny red brick house covered in vine on Monsieur B's large property. We had been so happy there, my brother and I at least. (My father never quite managed the integration part. He was stuck on his love for his own home, in another country. On the people who truly understand him. No one really understands you silly. )
I first changed homes when I was 6. Then, every 3 years or so. Later, every year. Now, we move to a new place every six months to a year, and everything we own (plus the dog) fits into our old Mondeo. The first time I moved out of my parent's house when I was 20, I left stuff behind. My parents in turn moved to a new place, and so I had to filter through my old high-school memorabilia and throw away chunks of it....
And now another bit of text.... And you blog post is done!