TD Easy Web

Project Idea

As a TD customer and as a designer, I'm not a fan of how TD still has a very outdated interface for EasyWeb, and how some things still need more clicks than the necessary to complete a task. To be honest, I barely access Easy Web and try to do everything in the app.

While I'm taking some time off, I decided to get my hands dirty and testing a couple of ideas of what Easy Web could look like. Of course, no research, no input, no user interview or anything. Just the visuals and ideas.

Current version

Here are a couple of screens to show how the current version of EasyWeb looks like.

Dashboard, or sort of.

My solutions

Based on previous experiences with fintechs and other banking solutions, here's what I did just in terms of UI.

You can see here that I've added some features that, as a user, I'd love to see right away on my dashboard. Like: my accounts and credit card with limit progression, my goals accounts and a quick way to add funds to those accounts, my last transactions, and quick actions where I could easily pay my bills, make a transfer, look at my investments or find the nearest ATM.

The quick actions panel would help a lot the speed process of each action, instead of looking for them within the menu.

On the Pay Bills screen, I've added a simple form for adding a new payee and also the Payment History at the bottom of the payee's list.

The payee's list is also simplified and with more white spacing to help with accessibility and readability.

More to come... to be continued.

More by Daniel de Paola

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