New! Process Masterclass Blog
Hey Everyone,
It's been so long since I last posted on Dribbble. But I'm super excited to share this project that I just launched. It's been a massive labor of love. From designing, building, writing and editing.
Check out the new Process Masterclass Blog.
7 years ago I started writing and sharing what I knew about design, and all my experiences in the design industry. Since then my work and articles have had over 10,000,000 views which is mind boggling. But what brings the greatest joy is to see that what I've shared has helped so many designers with their own careers. Helped designers get paid more, do better work, become more valuable, land dream jobs and start their freelance careers.
After 15 years in the industry it feels great to be able to pay it forward. If it wasn't for the people who shared their own experiences and the mentors I met along the way I wouldn't be where I am today.
The blog is free and sponsored by the Process Masterclass. It covers advice and experiences that I wish to share with the next generation of designers. From Career, Freelance, UX Design, Design Tips, Business, Productivity, Life Musings, Inspiration, Playground.
They are all based on experiences of a designer going from Junior Designer to Creative Director to Freelancer to eventually being a bootstrapped founder.
I hope you get a ton of value out of this resource. Thank you so much for your support over the years.