Daily UI Design Challenge 21/100 – Feature Section
Hi Dribbble family,
I've developed a concept designs for feature section for an marketing, web application or an e-commerce website
About Feature section
1. Feature sections are essential for most of the marketing, e-commerce or SaaS application websites because they help visitors of the website know what services they offer builds credibility for any website.
2. Feature sections typically allows the users of any website to learn about the services they offer
3. In the dribbble shot, I've considered six essential elements needed for a feature section.
Design process:
1. This is one of my finest design work I've ever created.
2. I've taken and learned a lot from untitledUI free component library in building design shot.
3. I've identified the key elements that i needed to design the feature section.
4. I've created featured section components properly and which covers information about the blog.
5. I've created components of these icons and made them accessible via Assets panel.
To build the block section UI block, I've used the following
1. Fonts: Inter
2. In my design, I've used design features and principles such as autolayout, alignment, and font size management to produce the design.
Love to hear your thoughts.
If you like my work hit «L» and follow me to join my 100 day UI Challenge
Thank you and Namaste 🙏