Bright Ideas

Ideas are fleeting things they shine bright when they are first thought of. But if you don’t record them or look after them they are snuffed out in a small puff of smoke. They die the death of all those un-pursued ideas.Usually, it is fear that stops us all, we don’t pursue these ideas that light us up and give us that initial spark that leaves us beaming from ear to ear.Fear really gets in the way of a lot of things. That idea could have been “the big thing ” or just another idea? There is a vast cocktail of things that go on that usually stop us.They are theoretically based in the realism of life, the things that stop us. Based around our knowledge capacity, tools we have at our disposal and time. But more often it is just fear that gets in the way.This was what I was feeling surrounding a lot of the ideas I had last week. Just fear, pure refined fear, the good stuff haha. I wanted to make a Patreon I didn’t know how to do that or think anyone would want to sign up. I wanted to put my designs on fabric so that other creative people like me could use them.But then I thought after probably too much caffeine, why not? We really box ourselves in with fear. The idea doesn’t need to be the next big thing and it doesn’t ultimately need to make anyone else happy. If it makes you happy and most importantly doesn’t hurt anyone, to borrow a phrase from a meme, “Just Do it! ”Like a candles time burning your time is finite so pursue your ideas! You will brighten other people’s days with what you come up with I believe in you!Anyway, enough with the candle metaphors haha. You can find some of my ideas in the link in the bio and I can’t wait to see yours!

More by Evie McGlynn

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