Fair Drive Landing Page Brochure

This project was part of the Swarm Ecosystem and was built for one of its biggest projects on top of the Swarm Blockchain Protocol, Fairdrive.

I was brought on board to design and develop, with the main ecosystem partner, both the middleware and UI front end for a file explorer that can communicate with the data on a lower system layer (for instance any database layer, including BEE Nodes on the Swarm Ecosystem). 

It would represent user data in an intuitive, designed Dapp made up of both a front end and a backend, namely the Fairdrive Dapp and Fairdrive Protocol. 

This first version for the project was considered a sandbox project, one that can inspire both the Fair Data Society and Swarm community and get people as excited to build as we were.

The messaging for Fair drive was largely made with community events, however the product did need a dedicated landing page.

The final draft of branding brought together the infinite connection idea and the human moments with the brand messaging in a brochure page where a splash of colour was added along with all the other important diagrams and iconography needed.

See more at https://www.behance.net/gallery/129471241/UIUX-Case-Study-Fairdrive-Web-3-Storage

Michal Hayward
Online & Onchain Product Designer in the startup arena.

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