SHINE - Goals Tracking Application

Role: Product Designer

Responsibilities: Collect user research, analyze market research, create user flows, wireframes, and visual design.

Timeline: 3 weeks


Supporting and helping invest in your needs every day or SHINE is an application for users who lack the motivation to complete their goals and struggle with tracking them in an organized way. It is a way for busy people to set goals for themselves, and achieve them through motivation, accountability, and community. 


1. Motivate users to complete their goals by introducing them to an easy to navigate app.

2. Provide users with the necessary tools to create and complete goals through the app.

Problem Statement

A busy user who has trouble completing goals due to a lack of motivation, and having little detail on how to achieve the goal.


Research Process

User Research

Qualitative data was collected via a google form sent through Discord, Facebook, and Twitter for users to complete. Questions were around the use of goal tracking applications, how they track goals, how often they write down goals, challenges to completing goals and what would they look for in a goal tracking application.  A total of 32 responses were received and showed that 75% of users write down their goals but 47% experienced challenges with staying on top of their goals. 


 1. Do you write down the goals you want to accomplish? Yes or No

 2. How do you keep track of your goals? (Example, notebook, notes app, sticky notes, etc.)

 3. How often do you write down your goals?

 4. How often do you revisit the goals you set for yourself?

 5. What challenges do you face when staying on top of your goals?

 6. Have you ever used an app to keep track of your goals?

If yes is selected for question 6, the following questions are presented:

 7. What was the name of the app? Why were you drawn to using that particular app over others?

 8. What did you like about the app?

 9. What did you dislike about the app?

If no is selected for question 6, the following question is presented:

10. If you've never used a goal tracking app, what would you look for if you were looking to track your goals?

47% of respondents experienced challenges with staying on top of their goals.

When asked what they would look for if they wanted to track their goals respondents said they wanted:

  • Reminders

  • Progress towards goal

  • Scheduling

  • Community 

  • Friendly tone 

Market Research

Market Research was conducted on the three top rated applications found in the Apple store; Accomplish, Strides: Goal Tracker, and Brian Tracy Goal Setting Tracker Planner.

Key Findings:

1. All three applications displayed a way to show progress towards completing a goal whether that was by crossing off a task or a milestone.

2. Brian Tracy Goal Setting Tracker Planner gives the user the opportunity to reflect on the goal by journaling.

3. Accomplish allows the user to add a pep talk when defining their "Why".


Create an application where users are able to write out their goal along with milestones needed to achieve their goals. Then, they categorize the goal as a way to stay organized and add their own motivational goal or choose one that is provided. Lastly, they assign a deadline to the goal so they can hold themselves accountable. As an added feature, the user has access to a community of other users trying to achieve their goals as well.

User Flow

It solves the problem of the user by offering a simple sleek look, the ability to set their goals while choosing the type of motivation they need, set how often they want to be notified about a milestone, set a deadline for the overall goal, and have a visual of the progress towards their goal.


Visual Design

Based on responses, the tone of the application was created as if the user is talking to their friend.

Questions and Prompts: When creating a goal it is important to understand the why behind it. The more detailed the user is about the goal and why behind it the more clarity is gained. This is so the user is more than likely to revisit the goal.

Adding milestones to the overall goal can help with seeing progress. Having a reminder for a milestone helps with completing progress toward the overall goal.

Categorizing the goals help with organization and allowing the user to select an image with motivational words was based on their feedback to lack of motivation.

The user is able to set a deadline for their overall goal. On the home screen, they are able to view the goals they set and the motivational image chosen for the goal is displayed as a visual cue.

Once the user selects a goal they are able to view:

  • the motivational image

  • the category the goal is in

  • the overall due date for the goal

  • their progress so far

  • the goal

  • their why

  • the milestones needed to complete to reach the overall goal

Community - Talk with other friends !


During this project, I've learned the importance of addressing the user's pain points and when conducting research to ask for suggestions because that can help navigate solutions.

Challenges to focus on later:

  • How often can the user edit their goal before putting it on the back burner, or just adjust the goal?

  • Adding more questions to get as detailed as possible.

I hope you enjoyed this case study as much as I did creating it.

Thank You!

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Twitter: @KeeyboardKeda

Instagram: @Keeplantndesign

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