Servari app sign-up page

Going to try to start doing some visual design exercises a la Daily UI challenge. Here are 2 versions of a sign-up page for an food inventory/shopping-list/recipe app called Servari. I can't decide which one makes more sense, so I uploaded both.

This is for an app idea I've had for a while. The working title for this idea was Fridge App, but I gave it a name in this exercise. I did some light copy-writing for the value proposition, and then considered different sign-up methods (OAuth & email), based on this conversion rate research data. I thought for a food-based app, photography really is the best way to go, but in-lieu of hiring an actual photographer for this PoC, I used the Dinner issue from Death to Stock. I think if I were to make this a real thing, I will need to do some more branding research and exploration, and maybe go for a more whimsical but also graceful imagery. Also maybe I should change the H1 heading to more of a call-to-action phrase instead of an app name no one knows yet?

This was done in Figma with the Figmation plug-in.

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