Ignite Logo and Icon Design

Ignite is a software and website development agency. They want to be playful same time being professional. Here is the logo I've designed for them.

The triangles represent the company by symbolizing the coding symbol "<"/>, and the negative space of the icon symbolizes a Thunder/Lightning which represents "Ignite".

In the typeface, I used a bold font to make it professional and serious also.

I've taken this brief from Goodbrief so I can't go deeper! :(

Press "L" to show me some love! :P

I need your feedback to make myself intelligent as Einstein! So, please leave me a comment! ;P

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All links: mdimtiaz2007

E-Mail: mdimtiazbrs2007@gmail.com

WhatsApp: +8801963851346

Discord: mdimtiaz2007#3957

Facebook: mdimtiaz2007

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