"Bitfold" Crypto App

Problem Statement

Trading in cyrpto currency is very confusing.. How can we make it more approachable?

Bitfold was designed to make trading crypto currency more approachable. Many younger people are getting into trading stocks and crypto but they have no experience, and most current apps are bloated, confusing and overwhelm younger potential traders.

This was an exercise in a Product Design course.


User Research

For this project, we were given a user persona to design the app around. In addition to the user persona, I did more research into demographics and user stats. I also studied other crypto apps like crypto.com and the Robinhood app.



There is a high-level of scrutiny and dissatisfaction with other apps in this category. The Crypto.com app has a rating of 3.8%. Many users complain about the lag in price notifications. This is something a competitive app must solve in development. Ease of use is expected and is a major focus of the Bitfold app.


User flow

The Bitfold userflow was established in the initial conception, so my role was to implement wireframes that adapted the user flow.

user flow

These wireframes were provided as a basic element to design the visual design screens from. I used these wireframes as a starting point, but then evolved the design to a more user-friendly style and I then mocked up the screens and began prototyping the designed screens.


The prototype employs basic functionality, allowing the user to click through a few screens, simulating the purchase of some crypto currency. After some testing, some minor modifications were made. Such as moving the "trade" button down and improving the contrast on some screens.


As this was just a class project, the only results were based on feedback from other classmates and the instructor. But overall impressions were good.

More by Ray Johnson

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