Lettering - Final, Final Edits

I posted this up on Instagram earlier this week, but wanted to share it here as well. I know I have shared similar images recently on this project, but this is a look at my final final edits. I finalized all of these and then put them away for a day. I came back a day later with fresh eyes and printed them out one last time before sending them to the client. This is a look at the small tweaks I made and most of these are universal across the entire set. It is was important that each word seemed unique, but that it still looked like it belong to the group. It is all about consistency at this point, but making sure I left the small quirks that I love about the each word.

This project was also different for me because I handed off the final vector files and am now waiting to see what the client does with them. As a designer, this is not something I am used to doing, but I am excited to collaborate with awesome new people!

I will share the final designs when I can, it will mostly likely be next year. As always, you can follow along my daily musing if you aren't already and thanks for the continued awesome support!



Bob Ewing
Independent Brand Designer from Indianapolis.
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