Client: Central Market - Preston Royal

Date: June 2019

Art Direction, Graphic Design, Copywriting, Painting, Sculpture


While most events at Central Market last only two weeks, the Summer event spanned the whole season with one-week highlights in specific departments like soft fruit, ice cream, or berries. 

The sign package from the Marketing team included five posters and a banner that had the feel of New England signs found near beaches. The colors were bright and saturated with illustrations of food and beach animals like crabs and seagulls, which did a lot to make the signs stand out and kept the event from feeling tired after six weeks. 


My team and I mimicked the shape of these signs and pushed the feeling of being beachside. Throughout the store, you could find hidden gens of a penguin with an ice cream cone, a can of beer getting a tan, avocados playing volleyball, and even a flock of sheep and cow statuettes dressed for a day on the beach.


Gigi Brose,  Eliana Miranda

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