Empty States: Ideation Process
Hello dribbble!
This time I will tell you about the process of making an illustration. For example an empty state.
"By definition, an empty state is a moment in a user's experience when interacting with a product where there is "nothing" to display. In other words, they are interface screens that have little to no content on them." - Jay Perlman.
Empty state is an interesting spot for illustrators to explore, but don't be too out of the box (prioritize the message you want to convey).
Then, how to start?
When doing concept ideation (by myself), I've been using the mindmapping method for brainstorming for years and it never fails. Mindmapping can explore any possibilities, don't be afraid to be wrong, just get out what's in your brain.
After feeling stuck and enough, you can review and choose what words can be used as visual concepts. Not only get 1 concept, you can get more than 3 concepts by using mindmapping (as I attached).
The 4 concepts that have been obtained are used as rough sketches to be delivered and gather feedback from stakeholders. This minimizes long iterations. After we have determined which concept is the best, then we will do digital execution. Voila!
What do you think? Feel free to drop some input by leaving a comment below and don't forget to hit us up on Instagram@kitabisadesign too!