Qualtrics Sydney Mural

The start

This began with a conversation with Stewart West (@sjwest68 on dribbble) about an idea he had for a mural to go in the new Sydney office of Qualtrics. He's the ideal collaborator because he brings great ideas and is always willing to build on them together. We first narrowed to the 5 cities we'd feature, then we both threw out potential things to feature in each. Once we had a solid list, I started with a couple of hideous composition roughs and then developed this sketch for the base. More details were added along the way, but this served as a solid framework for the overall piece.

mural sketch

The final

Took a couple of months given my work schedule and overall slowness, but turned out how we both had envisioned. A lot of detail that ends up looking really nice when it's blown up to a wall sized piece. The final art was overprinted onto a blue to aquaish blend with a dimensional Qualtrics logo in the center.

first version of mural
first version of mural

The final final

There was some concern about the bear (a legend in Utah about a bear that couldn't be caught - hence the bear trap on his hand), so we needed to revisit it. While we were at it we revisited the bees to make them a bit friendlier and changed the sailing ship in Sydney harbor to an America's cup yacht.

The surprise extra final

A few months after this mural had been installed, I got a call from Stewart about altering the mural so it could be used in the Krakow offices of Qualtrics. It was a shorter space so I needed to make some alterations so it would fit. This version was actually painted by a local mural crew and also turned out really great.


And what fun is it to take months to do a project if you don't also do a little making of video? You can check it out here: https://vimeo.com/711781958

Bob Case
I’m obsessed with lines.

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