Waggin' Tail Case Study by Santiago Ramirez
Waggin' Tail is an application for the owners of their furry companions, and walkers who want to be of service. It was created over the span of 8 weeks as a part of the Dribbble’s Product Design Course. It included Product, Market and User Research, group brainstorming and a lot of individual work.
Research + User Research
In the beginning we learned and used the method of Research and User Research to start the Product Design Process. First, to get an idea of what other brands were doing to figure out a way to set ourselves apart while keeping the end user in mind. Second, we had to figure out who our end user would be and what specific tools and features they needed.
Once the goals had been decided from the business perspective and user perspective, we transitioned into drafting the User Flow and Wireframing.
User Flow
Wire Framing
After gathering interviews, drafting and re-drafting the user flow to get it to a place we wanted, we added the visual designs to give the application character and depth, and bring it to it's current form.
From concept and development, to designing and creating Waggin' Tail, the entire experience was an exciting and well challenged one. I look at this experience to build off and continue to grow in other aspects of Product Design and UX.