Tiimi - Video Conference Tool for a SaaS HR Management System
We have a built-in video conferencing tool, mostly for interview meeting purposes. It makes Tiimi a kind of all-in-one tool for the HR division. It can be accessed via calendar appointment detail. The link can be shared with external users. The candidate will receive the link thru email notification.
Full-screen mode
In the full-screen mode, the user can still quickly access messages/chat, and can still access candidate details like a resume, it’s crucial for the Interviewer to access this without opening other apps. Interviewers can also access Scorecard to directly score candidates.
Minimized mode
It has a sticky minimized version too, allowing users to browse stuff while maintaining the conference call.
Want to collaborate?
Drop us a message at hello@fikristudio.com or Work with us
Me (Bagus Fikri), Panji Dwi
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