Tidbit Badge Catalog No. 005: Fourth Place
I was recently thinking about how fourth place doesn't get an award. Traditionally, you get nothing for coming up just shy of the podium.
I'm not here to argue that you should. My goal is to give the fourth place the value and recognition it deserves. If you're like me, you've gotten fourth place a lot. You've worked as hard as you can and came up short of the podium. This could happen in an actual race, a work decision, or a failed plan. Either way, you've experienced the somewhat crushing feeling of trying your hardest and not walking away with the "W".
But that's alright, failure is good, especially one you fought tooth and nail to avoid. Failure can be turned into fuel for the next thing. I think there are a lot of lessons to be learned and slept on wisdom to be gleaned just shy of the podium.
So before you pack your things, and leave the awards ceremony early, see what you can learn right below those who are winning awards.