Remote Pro Icon for iOS and macOS

Having drawn the app icon for Remote KeyPad for Evgeny Cherpak in 2018, this redesign of the icon for Remote Pro was a long time coming. After much exploration of concepts, this flying mouse cursor in both White Aluminum and Space Grey and emerged as a winner for the 2022 release.

Drawing the perspective on the body of the arrow, as well as its trails, was a new challenge for me. I took inspiration from airbrush greats of the ’80s on the shading, and went with what to me was non-intuitive reflective lighting on the edges and bevels. It was particularly challenging getting the gradients to blend well on the trails, let alone all the countless manual adjustments on downscaling.

I'm proud to release this icon, and it's already been featured in the iOS App Icon Book

Early concepts

Above: mid-process concepts for the cursor

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