OAXACA - Food Delivery App

OAXACA is a new Mexican restaurant that recently opened its first location in Seattle, Washington. The restaurant needed a mobile application as a means to deliver food to its customers. I worked as the sole designer to research, define and design the application.

The conceptualization of the app began with user and competitor research. I conducted a competitive analysis of several businesses - which served as direct and indirect competitors to OAXACA. The research identified that OAXACA’s app could offer an improvement over other competitors if it optimized the food selection flow and provided more user-friendly cues for dietary information.

User Research

I interviewed 5 people in order to gather data from real potential users. Each of the interviewees were contacted over a video call and asked the same set of questions. All of the responses were recorded, at the permission of the interviewees.

By assimilating the interview responses, I identified key pain points - which would help define the goals of OAXACA’s application. I also used the interview responses to develop two distinct users personas. The user personas enabled me to capture key insights and user needs so that they could continually be revisited during the design process.

Usability study

Once the wireframes were created, I transformed them into the first iteration prototype for the app. I conducted a moderated usability study with several volunteers. In the usability study, the volunteers were asked to perform a series of tasks on the application and assess the ease with which the task could be completed.

These reviews pointed to several areas where the application could be improved. I revised the prototype based on the feedback and then began developing the visual design system and final hi-fidelty prototype.

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