Y2K Instagram Pack N0. 1

I've always been attracted to vaporware styles that oozes such retro futuristic feel, which is almost dream-like.. as if you're fluttering into this state of fantasy 🔮 And that's what I try to evoke through these designs of mine.

Vaporware has, generally, a strong neon color palette. I'm mainly using purple-pink hues to provoke a mysterious yet futuristic touch. I hope you like these vaporware futuristic designs as much as I enjoy creating them 💖

Thoughts on the design? Would love to hear it in the comment section

"Press L" if you liked it 💜

This is available for purchase here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1040969104/y2k-neon-retro-social-media-templates?click_key=2edea341600a75b73b30ce5b1cd0c7b7bfe84bd2%3A1040969104&click_sum=16d73b3a&ref=hp_recently_viewed_content-1

Thank you! 💖

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