Dog Walking App

About the project:

Walk the Dog! is a mobile application that provides a dog-walking service. The application's goal is to connect dog owners (and their dogs, of course!) with trusted dog-walkers. This project was created and developed as a tool for learning product design, and developing further skills within Figma.

My role: worked on all areas throughout the product design process, from research and user flows through to visual design and documentation.

Problem: Majority of dog-walking apps or pet-service apps do not provide enough trust between the dog owners (main end-users of the app), and the caretakers. How can we build an app that provides this trust?

To get users to trust the app, the initial creation of Walk the Dog! is focused in onboarding new users.

Research phase: Surveys were sent out to dog owners that included questions about what owners find the most important in a pet service, as well as what issues are the most problematic. Answers were sorted and an affinity diagram was created.

User personas: Based on survey answers and research, user personas were developed with the end-user in mind. These personas helped generate ideas and functions that would help produce important features in the application.

Onboarding User Flow

A user flow was created to help map out the onboarding process for new users. The goal of the map was to generate an intuitive flow for new users and build trust in the early stages of loading and beginning the app. Building trust in the beginning would allow users to feel more comfortable using the app, and prevent them from getting lost in its features.


Lo-fi wireframes were drawn with pen and paper before being developed further in Figma as hi-fi wireframes.

Visual Design

The visual design style is created with bold colors, a fun display font, and easy-to-read body copy font. These decisions were made in order to create an app that is accessible, fun, and easy to use.

To view the full onboarding prototype of Walk the Dog!, click here.

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