iComics Website - v1.1 Redesign

Now that my app's new iOS 7/8 redesign version has shipped, it's time to update the accompanying website to match!

Here's my plan for the v1.1 redesign of http://icomics.co. It's a single page site that serves to quickly explain what the app is, and what kind of features it offers. Be sure to have a look at the attached JPEG file to see what the entire site looks like. :D

I mocked out the entire thing in Adobe Photoshop, and will probably just run it through Slicy (http://macrabbit.com/slicy/) to generate all of the production assets.

Except for the iPod touch, all device mockups are from http://www.pixeden.com

Tim Oliver
G'day! I'm an iOS software developer from Perth, Australia!
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