Recibook hero sections
What is Récibook?
Specialized for young people, Récibook creates audio experiences to increase customer‘s brand awareness by inventing new stories, or adapting existing ones.
What was the challenge?
A brand such as Récibook should shout joy, creativity, and childish curiosity. While the team behind the company is nothing less than that, their website as a key marketing tool was misaligned with their company culture, and their service offerings.
That‘s why we stepped in to design a website that visually expresses everything what Récibook is and does, thus providing a better brand picture to their customers.
And to put a cherry on top, we came up with a logomark—a blend of audio waves and a microphone.
Services provided
❋ Visual identity
❋ Website design
The team
Zlatko Najdenovski - Logo, Website design, Art direction
Jovana Trajanova - Visual design
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