Zedsen - Health Monitor app

The Client

The Zedsen mobile app is a companion health dashboard to Zedsen's non-invasive glucose sensor housed in a phone case.

Zedsen is on a mission to make proactive health a reality by providing a unique window into the inner workings of the body. The Zedsen team have spent years perfecting the technology to fit people's lives in the best way possible.

The Challenge

With a $20M seed round, it was time for Zedsen to evolve and showcase the technology. With so much attention on their hardware, the team had never before had the chance to apply the same care to their brand and user experience.

The project's main goal was to create a new identity and build a comprehensive experience that shows the product's potential in the form of a mobile prototype.

The Solution

We ran the 5-day Design Sprint process. This one brought business stakeholders and innovators to the table to strategise and agree on a core problem.

In the strategy session, we discovered that lifestyle applications would open more opportunities than focusing only on diabetes patience, which defined the long term direction of the company and the product.

Once we knew the direction and the problem, we identified a possible solution and rapidly deployed a prototype. The prototype was then tested with real-world customers, and we quickly learned what worked and, more importantly, what did not work. As a result, we uncover potential ideas in days that would otherwise take 4-5 months of product development.

Alongside the branding and the new visual style, we intensely focused on the user experience. We designed the mobile app as an interactive personification of "Your Health". We deliver all the interface designs and artefacts for Zedsen's internal development team.

The Results

After three weeks of collaboration, we successfully finished the new Zedsen app. Next, the Zedsen team started showcasing their capabilities to investors and partners.

The introduction of Design Sprints helped to improve internal processes, impacted product release strategy, and fostered collaboration across cross-functional teams.

We're proud to be part of Zedsen's journey and working closely with Daniel Honeywell, Michael Veitch and other team members to build new ways people can track and improve their health.


We are Human1st

We are a product design, strategy and innovation studio with particular expertise in using Design Sprints to help our partners with product design, product strategy and rapid innovation.

We have worked with companies including RGAx, Danfoss, Lego, Eight Sleep, 776, Zedsen, GenePlanet, Virti and Dropless, helping them to innovate faster and more efficiently.

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