Subscription Manager
This is solution of Crowwwn's weekly design challenge.
Problem statement - When I am looking at my finances, I want to be able to find and unsubscribe from any subscription services I am not using, so I don’t waste money.
My Solution - Hi there, For this week's challenge first I noted down all the functional requirements which I am going to include to accomplish the challenge. Then I crafted the wireframe to get an overview of my design solution. In my final design solution, 1) The first screen will help users to get to know about the past and upcoming subscription payments. Also shown a banner on top of the page to display the average monthly spending on their subscriptions so that users will know when the expenses on subscriptions are increasing or decreasing. 2) On the second screen, I showed the statistical detailed insights of the user's spending in simple charts. The category breakdown will help users to know which category they are spending a major amount of money. 3) The third screen will help users to know about all of their subscriptions. Users can skim and search the subscription in two ways, with help of the search field and category-wise skimming. Users can add a new subscription by clicking on the '+' button. 4) The fourth screen displays a view when a user opens an individual subscription. It will show the different details and numbers about the subscription, the payment method which the subscription is using, and the control options to modify and cancel the subscription. So that is all about this week's design challenge solution. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. I would really appreciate if you can leave a feedback comment. Thank you.