Cursive For Dysgraphia (BA Hons Project) - Flat Illustrations

I probably spent far more time working on these illustrations than I needed to, but sometimes I think that’s the curse and blessing of the artist. We don’t always know when to stop, but we love the grind regardless.

That was certainly the case with these illustrations. Here you can see the clean standalone versions, with the printed views in my next post 👀

I had a lot of fun putting these together, because they afforded me an opportunity to bring some artistic flair to what often feels like an anxious experience. They definitely made me feel better as I was building this project 😅

Regardless, they were the glue that helped me keep my sanity together. Sprinkled into the workbook like gifts at certain stages, helping prospective learners make their way through the whole workbook, they helped me make my way through building it. Never underestimate the power of a little expression, even if it’s just for you ❤️

Zachary Styles
Illustrator & Designer

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