Time to rant

The company I work for decided to redesign our homepage. One of the newer employees, a business development/sales guy had experience with a local firm and was insistent that they be the ones to design it. Not me.

This was all done without even talking to me in fact, the senior ui guy. Hell, the only UI guy at this point.

They worked with this other firm for a couple weeks and I got clued into all of these goings on Monday. They presented finalized designs.

I was shocked that
A. All this was done basically behind my back
B. What they presented Monday was basically what I pitched six months ago. And what they ignored six months ago.
C. The design was so ridiculously bush-league that I couldn't, in good conscience, let them go through with it.

So I decided to do my own take. That's what I posted.

I feel like the fella rushing to the wedding to stop the bride from marrying the wrong guy just in the nick of time. I spent maybe 7 hours and I think what i've created is so much better. So I sent the comps off to everyone that matters and hopefully they'll realize the mistake they're about to make.

Probably not though.

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