ShirtSea - Custom T-Shirt Printing Website Design And Case Study

Project prompt: Design a flow to order custom printed t-shirts.

Case Study

Because the case study is a large presentation, I kept only the most important.

Project overview

• The product: ShirtSea is a t-shirt printing website created to help busy working adults create and shop their custom printed t-shirts online with an easy and fast ordering process.

• Project duration: March 2022 to April 2022

• The problem: Busy working adults don't have time to go to clothing stores.

• The goal: Create a t-shirt printing website that allows users to create and shop their custom t-shirts online with an easy and fast ordering process.

• My role: UX designer

• Responsibilities: Conducting user research, interviews, wireframing (paper and digital), prototyping (low and high-fidelity), usability studies, accessibility and iteration.

User research: summary

I conducted interviews with busy working adults who don’t have time to go to clothing stores and created empathy maps to understand their pain points and how they can be resolved. The user research revealed that time is the main factor preventing users from going to clothing stores, but there are many other factors like they don’t want to create and shop their own custom t-shirts.

User research: pain points

• Time: Busy working adults don't have time to go to clothing stores

• Custom Option: Shopping websites don't offer an option to create custom t-shirts

• Ordering Process: Difficult and late ordering process on shopping websites

Usability study: findings

These were the main findings revealed by the usability study:

• Navigate: Users didn’t find a button that allows users to quickly navigate to the top of the page

• Edit: Users didn’t find a way to modify the design without starting over

• Search: Users didn't find an option to filter the search results

Quote from a study participant:

“I believe that no one will go to clothing stores after knowing this amazing website.”

Lo-Fi & Hi-Fi Prototyping

Low-fidelity prototype

High-fidelity prototype

View full project here!

Let's connect!

Thank you for taking the time to review my work! If you’d like to see more or get in touch, my contact is provided below.

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