Daily UI Design Challenge 08/100 – 404 Error page
Hi Dribbble family,
I've learned that 404 is an important page of website construction. It is very essential because when users land on error page or 404 page, they may be little frustrated because the webpage they wanted to navigate isn't available or removed.
As a designer our main goal should be to comfort the website visitors or endusers and safely navigate them to the home page or the help center.
I've learned that a creative page increases business value and impression it creates with endusers.
To build this 404 page, I've used the following
1. Fonts: Bungee Shade and Inter
2. Free illustrations from Craftwork
3. I've used auto layout and basic design alignment to design this shot.
If you like my work hit «L» and follow me to join my 100 day UI Challenge
Thank you and Namaste 🙏