zShift | Time and Task tracker Tool

ZShift solutions help employers manage shift workers. The web product(for employers) and mobile app(for workers).

About ZShift

For the employers of shift workers, i.e. companies and employment agencies, our product manages shift rotas, timings, and financial commitments (including payroll and PAYE). These employment businesses, and other companies managing shift workers, often have very manual processes and systems. Examples include timesheets being done manually on paper; rotas managed through spreadsheets; shift managers and supervisors managing availability through phone calls and text messages.

This leads to extensive hours wasted on manual processes, our research indicates that many of these businesses spend as much as 25% of their operational budget just managing and validating shifts.

For workers, our product helps them manage their job relationships and the rewards for working. We make working more seamless, helping them manage availabilities across multiple employers, coordinate their shifts and manage communications with their employer(s). We also help them earn more money (we use industry and peer data to determine earnings improvement opportunities), access fairer financial products via API (as we are fully embedded in worker finances we can suggest alternative fair products and build alternative credit data), and access savings and investment options via API.

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idealrahi@gmail.com | Facebook Instagram

Problem Solving • UI UX Design • SaaS

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