Starbuck Reusable
A month ago, Starbucks announced they are going to eliminate single-use cups and go full reusable, which is awesome. I go to Starbucks every day and their app is one of the best experiences as a user I've had. It saves me a bunch of time. It's perfect.
In the past, I was concerned about Starbucks. I do recycle but I'd like to know that companies are doing everything they can to limit their impact. If they are transitioning to reusables, that worry is no longer there. It's just nice that they are doing something.
Hopefully, this will lead to more places making changes to help the environment. It brings me hope for the future. It got me thinking about how would the Starbucks app make this change. I decided to recreate the Starbucks app through Figma and then create a new feature that adds this change.