Qardus - Zakat Calculator UI

Zakat Calculator & parent webpage designed & developed on behalf of Qardus.

Zakat is ordained to Muslims by Allah and is therefore seen as an important obligation. Zakat is set as one of the five pillars of Islam with the aim of achieving spiritual and financial reform. Zakat is an important element of Islam as it promotes the elimination of greed and helps to consolidate the economy in Islamically ethical terms.

Zakat is seen as an act of worship rather than charity, and the benefits are therefore weighted in favour of the giver rather than the receiver. Zakat is a means to purify wealth but also relates to spiritual purification.

In order to be liable to pay zakat, your wealth must be above a set threshold figure and this figure is known as the 'nisab'. Once you have savings that reach nisab then zakat is payable at a rate of 2.5% on all applicable assets that include gold, silver, cash, shares, and income from properties (but not your main residence). Once you have worked out how much zakat you owe you should then donate this sum to charity.

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