TULILI—IP (Mascot)—Collection
This is the character I designed - TULILI, the name comes from "tulips".
TULILI is a quiet little girl whose ears are shaped like rabbits. She is criticized by her classmates at school, but this gives her special abilities and sensitive hearing far beyond ordinary people.
Once, she stumbled upon a secret garden and found that she could talk to the plants and animals in the garden, which became her good friends for each other's company.,hope u like it~
这是我设计的 ip 形象—兔莉莉,兔莉莉的名字来源于郁金香的英文"tulips"。
在我和优设网合作的ip形象设计课程里,会讲到兔莉莉这个案例,4 月 27 日开课,大家感兴趣的话可以看看~https://pro.uisdc.com/detail/p_624168d9e4b0812e17849068/6
Costume — Tulips
This is a basic design, the hair and skirt are inspired by tulips, and the hat is inspired by traditional Dutch costume.