UX/UI for Social Travel App
🏝Lindygo is a startup from Germany🇩🇪 that allows users easily plan trips, quickly create bucket lists, get recommendations from agents and share their holiday’s memories.
🧐My Role
Starting from scratch, I appled UX methods and UI principles, for delivering high fidelity design in the minimalist style. For this project, the following was done:
gathered business requirements
competitors analysis
built mobile site map
wireframes and user flow
creating style guide using nested symbols and smart layout
hi-fi design and linked prototype
remote usabitity testing
M O R E : https://www.behance.net/gallery/142007895/UXUI-Design-for-Travel-Social-App-Mobile-App
🎯Delivered: 200 linked screens in one prototype in Figma
More by Alona Lagodzia View profile