PropertApp, My First UI Design in Flutter Framework

Hi, thank you for comming!

This is my first Implementation UI Design in Flutter Framework about Property Market App. in simple, I just name it "Propertapp".

I know it's not the best implementation code yet, but I try to make it easy to understand and also I try to write a code as clean as possible so I can practice clean code ethics.

You can practice too in this project with your own and develope this project into newest framework version, feel free to use my code.

# System Requirement :

- Dart v.2.16

- Flutter v.2.10

# Dependency Requirement :

- intl v.0.17.0

# What I learn from this project :

1. I learn how to make custom library for main Theme assets like color, font, text type, ect. see on constants.dart.

2. at first, in option_button.dart they use flatButton that flutter was migrated to textButton in newest version, so I re-code and customize the style in textButton.

3. In old version of flutter, they can use flexible widget inside stack widget, but not in newest one so I remove the widget and make adjust in assets routing at pubspec.yaml. you can see on RealEstateItem stateless in landing_page.dart.

4. I learn about intl dependency to make auto convert a number (int) into the currency. you can see on custom_functions.dart.

5. I learn how to make dummy JSON data, see on sample_data.dart.

If you want re-create and re-wrote this project, I hope you can find more what I can learn.

See and Download my Code on [].

# Credit :

I will credit all who's my Inspiration in this project bellow, so make sure you also check their profile later.

> First Coded by : RetroPortal Studio (, His GitHub : (

> Inspired by : uibucket : (

More by Hakima Madani

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