Modular Typeface – Exercise

For the last couple of months I've been heads-down, designing complex projects at work. A lot of things have been going in the world lately, and I wanted to remind myself about something positive and cheerful.

During a break I opened Sketch and started drafting something modular and fun:


Playing around with bubbly shapes.

A typeface in the name of fun

This was the perfect project to relax and take it easy; drawing a modular typeface in the name of fun. A typeface that can be used to write single bold words or short sentences in a colorful and cheering mood.

Using a simple grid I started sketching some characters:

After a couple of hours I have an initial batch of glyphs that I can use to start playing around, testing, tweaking and adjusting.

There's a bunch of characters that I'm not satisfied with, due to the simple modularity of the grid it is hard to make some glyphs work. Characters with repetitive parts such as "M", "N", "V", "W", ... present a challenge to draw in such simple grid.

For the next steps, I would love to pay more attention to these characters and keep building an alpha version of the typeface file.


Although the typeface is unfinished, I am having fun putting together small words and examples.

Here's a selection of words and tests:

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Posted on Apr 13, 2022

More by ramsés cabello

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