Website: Safer Highways UK

Safer Highways UK had a specific vision in mind when we started working together. Through my unique and modern design services, I managed to bring this vision to life with a visually stunning website. Fully custom and built from scratch, complete with 4 CMS collections, 2000+ blog posts and 20+ pages. Through the use of double-exposure imagery including Highways and Safety Workers we brought the website alive and now appeals to the target audience.

Challenge 1: Sign up as a member of Safer Highways UK - Built a 'stack of cards' design for the website including logos of partners/companies that are members at Safer Highways UK, generating social proof for other companies to join.

Challenge 2: Build a client email list - Since the relaunch of the website, client emails have increased by 900%. This is driven by the content of blog posts being up-to-date, visually appealing leaving consumers to want more. Also by strategically adding a subscriber box to a pop-up and also to the footer of every page.

Challenge 3: News and Updates for consumers - Safer Highways can be seen as news channel specifically for the industry updates in the UK. A blog CMS is used so that the website does not have to be update manually and can simply be updated by completing the database.

Challenge 4: Resource Hub for Industry Safety - I thought it was important to have industry resources and safety alerts accessible on the Homepage as tradespeople looking for these can find them easily and quickly.Safer Highways UK has more exciting projects in the pipeline and I can't wait to be part of their journey.

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