Saling Jaga: Redefining A Protection Solution

Hello, there!

Donation is when you help others in the now moment, in the moment of urgency. What if you can help others and also yourself from all the health risks in the future?

Let me introduce you Saling Jaga.

A new way of helping from Kitabisa where all registered members could help each other from the risk of COVID-19 and critical illnesses.

Inspired by the unique innovation coming from 水滴互助, members will have to donate to a pool of fund and automatically has a balance of their donation. Whenever someone needs help, the system will cut off the balance from each member and the fund is ready to be given.

It was a breakthrough experience you’ve ever had for a protection solution (will update how it works more detail later if you're curious to know!)

But, unfortunately, the spirit of Saling Jaga has to end before having the chance to be acquired massively due to unmet discussions with regulators. We'll learn so much during this process and will come back with greater solution.

Stay tune!

Tell us what you think by leaving a comment below and don't forget to hit us up on Instagram @kitabisadesign!

UX Designer: Etri Dian Anggita Ismayanti

UX Writer: Etri Dian

Illustrator: Wyanet F Paramasanthaty

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