Logofolio [vol.1]

Today we’d like to share with you our Logofolio! At Netguru we believe that what’s most important about all successful products is that they’re unique and timeless…and a proper branding is a strong tool supporting this message.

We truly appreciate all the people involved in creating all the logos, and brand design - big thanks to our crew who worked on the presented projects:

Paweł Durczok, Bartłomiej Rokowski, Mikołaj Skuza, Toto Castiglione, Jakub Kuik, Michał Kubalczyk, Agnieszka Jucha-Kasperczyk, Przemysław Kowal, Łukasz Pachytel, Marta Jamróz, Miłosz Klimek, Adam Ruthendorf-Przewoski, Wojciech Wasilewski.

We’re available for new projects! Drop us a line at branding@netguru.com.

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