Studyflow website
We’ve been working on designs for both the website and webapp for Studyflow. Studyflow is a Dutch digital learning platform for ±12 - 18 year old students (basically middle school & high school). The webapp is targeted at the students, whereas the website -in this shot- is targeted at getting teachers to try/use Studyflow, as they are the ones who typically decide the study method for the class they teach.
Studyflow wanted the website to appeal to teachers, while maintaining an obvious visual connection to the webapp. That’s why we chose a slightly different color palette for the website than we did for the webapp. The website’s main colors are a little less saturated and a tiny bit more serious. We used large photos of class rooms that show both students as well as their teacher to appeal to the website visitors.
Studyflow logo by George Bokhua (colors by Yummygum 😁). For more Studyflow related shots check out
There are a few minor differences between our designs and the online version. Check it out on Studyflow.